
The World of Myrr Campaign Setting for any RPG

Created by Cawood Publishing

An epic fantasy setting for 5E, Pathfinder, and other RPGs

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A Myrr Moment with Oswald #10
10 months ago – Sat, Dec 02, 2023 at 04:27:28 PM

Greetings, I'm Oswald Myrr and I understand you're close to funding a tome about my world.

I used my magical portals, known as Riftgates, to continue to travel around the world. Once I arrived in Ma Zaan I discovered the homeland of the dwarves in turmoil. This continent was covered in mountains and many active volcanoes. The dwarves were engaged in two wars, one against hordes of goblins and one against themselves! 

Lava dogs of Ma Zaan

Then I ventured east to a place I'd heard little about. On the continent of Gaelen I found resourceful halfling settlers. They were establishing settlements and had some unusual challenges. I never thought I'd see halfling cowboys riding boars fighting undead! 

Halfling cowboy of Gaelen

Publishing Team Update

Hey everyone, we're pretty close to the first Stretch Goal! Let's make this book even better and add to your rewards!

We still have four days left, as the Kickstarter ends on Dec 6th at 9pm PST/12am EST. Over 350 people are signed up for the 48-hour alert on Monday night!

Kickstarter Community

Check out this adventure from Ancient Sage:  Witch of Chimney Rock 

Fifty-nine years ago, the village of Veknis banished the orphan Anistia Longnow to the primeval Forest of Legressia for being a witch. Such was her resourcefulness that she survived. Yet, she fell prey to an ancient fey curse, which feasted upon the young girl's fears and lust for vengeance. Today, Anistia lives on as the Witch of Chimney Rock!

The Witch of Chimney Rock 5e adventure is designed to take a party of four characters from 1st or 2nd level to 3rd or 4th by the conclusion. 

The adventure will include a fleshed-out home base for the party - the village of Veknis - replete with a full cast of NPCs. Aside from the main quest, the party will have a chance to discover multiple side-quests and unearth more secrets of the setting, including the primeval fey forest, the Forest of Legressia!

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Discord:  Cawood Publishing's Discord server

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Youtube:  Cawood Publishing on Youtube

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Bluesky:  Cawood Publishing on Bluesky

-Andrew and the team

A Myrr Moment with Oswald #9. We're funded!
10 months ago – Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 01:08:07 PM

We've reached the funding target! Thank you to all our generous backers from around the world. Before we let Oswald bring you more of a history lesson, let's reveal the first Stretch Goal!

It's not far to that first Stretch Goal. Travis Hanson will add more art to the book, mainly full-page chapter covers for each continent in Myrr. Here's an example of what we're looking at for one of the covers.

An evil Von Bladen noble is surprised by monks from the Inner Sons Brotherhood

Hello again, I'm Oswald Myrr. Yes, that elf cartographer who mapped the world named a few places after me. It wasn't my idea...

After visiting Voth, I traveled west to Norvald. I met a tough, resilent people living in an unforgiving land (although not as brutal as Voth). These Norvans are focused on their families and are skilled seafarers. More than any other people in the world, they brave the deadly seas. They have even established communities on the continents of Zogg and Myrr. Back home they have to fend off giants, draugr from ancient ruins, and a strange cult. However, their biggest enemy is themselves, as two rival groups vie for power. 

The Norvans

Follow the Kickstarter on Social Media

Discord:  Cawood Publishing's Discord server

X:  Cawood Publishing on X (formerly Twitter)

Youtube:  Cawood Publishing on Youtube

Instagram:  Cawood Publishing on Insta

Facebook:  Cawood Publishing on FB

Bluesky:  Cawood Publishing on Bluesky

-Andrew and the team

A Myrr Moment with Oswald #8
10 months ago – Wed, Nov 29, 2023 at 04:32:01 PM

Hello, backers from the Earth year 2023! I am Oswald Myrr, and this is the ninth day of the campaign. I hear the publishers have lots of good news for you today.

After Nox decided to stay with Oberon, I decided to leave Feyland. I began to spread a rumor that I died and lived alone in a secluded manor in the woods of Naern. A few years later I learned more of the Riftgates were opening around the world. I used one of these portals to travel to the northeast continent of Voth. 

The Ragnar chasing a herd of ozlogs on the continent of Voth

This harsh land was even more dangerous than the seas of the world. Huge titans, undead mammoths, ice dragons, and other monsters roamed the land. I had to use powerful magic to fight off these creatures and survive in the frozen land. Eventually, I discovered a rebel group of evil snow elves had military bases hidden in Voth. These elves had airships and other technology I'd never seen before. I infiltrated their fortresses and learned they plan to take over the world. 

The vothdar

Publishing Team Update

Greetings, it has been another great day for the project. We're 94% funded now with a week to go! That's only about $700 USD to go. There is lots of time to fund those Stretch Goals.

In other news, we're partnering again with Shard Tabletop to create a VTT version of the World of Myrr. Every backer who chooses a PDF or printed book of the campaign book will also get this VTT as a bonus! We're actually working with Shard Tabletop right now on the VTT version of our Monsters of the Dungeon book. 

More About the Book with Dieku Games

We sat down with Garry from Dieku Games to talk about the Myrr Kickstarter:   Interview with Dieku Games 

Follow the Kickstarter on Social Media

Discord:  Cawood Publishing's Discord server

X:  Cawood Publishing on X (formerly Twitter)

Youtube:  Cawood Publishing on Youtube

Instagram:  Cawood Publishing on Insta

Facebook:  Cawood Publishing on FB

Bluesky:  Cawood Publishing on Bluesky

-Andrew and the team

A Myrr Moment with Oswald #7
10 months ago – Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 07:03:12 PM

Greetings! I am Oswald Myrr, and this is the eighth day of the campaign. From what I hear this was a really good day in your quest to publish a tome about my world. 

Before the publishers get into that, let me continue my story. While I was living on the continent of Myrr, I met Nox. Some people know her as Titania, the Queen of the Faeries. We fell in love, and eventually I journeyed with her to the elf homeland of Naern. 

The central continents of Myrr and Naern. Map by Philip Stephen

Naern is beautiful, even more extraordinary than Myrr or Zogg. The elven Kingdom of Suhn is controlled by wise and graceful beings. I felt quite at home in this new land and enjoyed meeting the high elves. However, I learned some shocking news, there was also a King of the Faeries. I met him when I journeyed into Feyland from a forest on Naern. The second piece of news I learned was that Nox was to have a half-elf child. My child...

Oswald's half-elf daughter Scarlett Myrr

Publishing Team Update

Hey everyone, what a great day we've had. We're 88% funded now with a week to go! There is lots of time to fund and get those Stretch Goals. 

We will continue to promote the project on all of our social media platforms, placing ads, posting the Kickstarter on EN World and, and we will be guesting on more podcasts this week. Please share the World of Myrr Kickstarter far and wide.

Here's the latest EN World post, any comments here would be great:  World of Myrr post 

More About the Book with JNJ Tabletop

We sat down with the guys at JNJ Tabletop to talk about the Myrr Kickstarter:  JNJ Tabletop YouTube Video

Follow the Kickstarter on Social Media

Discord:  Cawood Publishing's Discord server

X:  Cawood Publishing on X (formerly Twitter)

Youtube:  Cawood Publishing on Youtube

Instagram:  Cawood Publishing on Insta

Facebook:  Cawood Publishing on FB

Bluesky:  Cawood Publishing on Bluesky

-Andrew and the team