
The World of Myrr Campaign Setting for any RPG

Created by Cawood Publishing

An epic fantasy setting for 5E, Pathfinder, and other RPGs

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Final Stages
5 months ago – Tue, Apr 30, 2024 at 08:22:05 AM

Hey everyone, we're getting closer to completing the book. Travis is coloring the art, Phil is finishing the final map, and Andrew is editing. The PDF shouldn't be too far away. This is by far our biggest book yet, over 200 pages! 

New Art

Here are some examples of the spot art, illustrations throughout the book. These will be in color in the final version. 

Our Next Kickstarter is an Adventure Book

Our first adventure book, with art from Travis Hanson and maps from the Voyager's Workshop, should come to Kickstarter in June. An adventure with Low/Mid/High level options for 5E, Pathfinder, and OSR games! New Monsters/NPCs, high-quality maps, new magic items, and much more.

Following the Kickstarters

For the most up-to-date news on our Kickstarters subscribe to our Discord channel or follow us on other social media. If you need a new Discord invite email us at [email protected] Our YouTube channel should have more updates in the future: Cawood Publishing - YouTube


-Andrew and the team

Layout is underway
6 months ago – Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 11:18:26 AM

Hey everyone, a quick update for you. The manuscript is in the hands of Travis and he has started to layout the book. We're looking at where we can add art and map inserts. Meanwhile, Philip is finishing up the maps. We're still working on Gaelen's map, the kingdom map for Zogg (as the continent is the only one divided into kingdoms), and a more comprehensive map of the continent of Myrr with all the settlements. At the moment the book is about 210 pages, 70000 words. 

Following the Kickstarters

For the most up-to-date news on our Kickstarters subscribe to our YouTube or Discord channels. If you need a new Discord invite email us at [email protected]

Cawood Publishing - YouTube

Discord: htts://

-Andrew and the team

Editing Almost Finished/Art Update
7 months ago – Fri, Feb 16, 2024 at 08:21:18 AM

Hey backers, the main World of Myrr book is coming along nicely. Editing is going to wrap up shortly, and Travis Hanson has been working on new art. 

We are also beginning to send out other physical rewards and extra PDFs. That will likely continue into February as we're still wrapping up the Monsters of the Dungeon Kickstarter. Looking down the road a bit, we hope to Kickstart our first adventure book in May.

Following the Kickstarters

For the most up-to-date news on our Kickstarters subscribe to our YouTube or Discord channels. If you need a new Discord invite email us at [email protected]

Cawood Publishing - YouTube


-Andrew and the team

Backerkit closing this Friday!
8 months ago – Tue, Jan 09, 2024 at 09:45:52 AM

Hey there everyone. Thanks to the 83% of backers who filled out the Backerkit survey. We'll close that and lock orders this Friday. That will give us the final count for Myrr books and the older PDFs that can be sent out.

Next Steps

Work on finalizing the manuscript continues. Today we'll update Travis on descriptions for the full-page artwork for each continent chapter. And Phil the cartographer continues to work on the continent maps. 

-Andrew and the team

Backerkit Surveys Sent Out!
9 months ago – Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 07:28:15 AM

Greetings to all our backers! Some early presents before the holidays. 1) Backerkit surveys have been sent out and you can add on other rewards. 2) We've lowered the cost of shipping for add-ons for those people who have already ordered printed books. 3) From now on we'll include our Pathfinder/OSR conversion tables with any World of Myrr or Monsters series book. 

Backerkit Surveys

The survey helps us to collect your information and allows you to add more to your pledge. We'll keep the Backerkit up until the middle of January. Then we'll send out the PDFs that we've already published, like the Monsters series books. All the add-ons are $5 CAD/$4 USD other than the monster books. 

What's Next?

We are still finishing up the World of Myrr manuscript and continent maps. That will likely continue through January. Then we'll get the manuscript to Travis to complete the art and layout.

Following the Project

Feel free to follow us on social media, our Discord and YouTube channels have regular Kickstarter updates. If you have any questions, email us at [email protected]

Discord:  Cawood Publishing's Discord server

X:  Cawood Publishing on X (formerly Twitter)

Youtube:  Cawood Publishing on Youtube

Instagram:  Cawood Publishing on Insta

Facebook:  Cawood Publishing on FB

Bluesky:  Cawood Publishing on Bluesky

-Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas from Andrew and the team