
The World of Myrr Campaign Setting for any RPG

Created by Cawood Publishing

An epic fantasy setting for 5E, Pathfinder, and other RPGs

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The First Printed Books Have Been Ordered!
26 days ago – Mon, Aug 12, 2024 at 10:50:06 AM

Greetings everyone, we have received the first printed copy of The World of Myrr and it looks great! See the photos below! Thanks again for helping to make an amazing book. 

This means we have started ordering the hardcover books, most of which should arrive in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. in late August or September. We're working on setting up the softcover book as well.

We're also finishing other supplements for the World of Myrr. Factions of Myrr will likely be completed by September with the Inns and Taverns of Myrr and History of Myrr books to follow. We'll check to ensure the other PDFs and physical rewards are sent out over the next two months. 

Preview of the Printed Version

-Andrew and the team

The World of Myrr PDF has been sent out!
2 months ago – Tue, Jul 09, 2024 at 08:34:51 AM

Hey everyone, we have an exciting announcement! We've just sent out the PDF version of The World of Myrr. It includes about 50 pages of bonus content for the villages in the world. That's 232 pages of Myrr!

Next Steps

  • Everyone receiving a World of Myrr book will also get copies of the world and continent maps for GMs and players.
  • We are preparing the printed versions of the book for the printing house.
  • We will also work on getting the Myrr PDF and other add-ons to those backers who added those to their pledges. This also includes backers for our recent Rise of the Mushroom King adventure book. 
  • The three Myrr booklets are still being written and we plan to have those ready by September.  

Pages from the Book

-Andrew and the team

Adventure book funded! Myrr PDF on the way!
3 months ago – Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 08:13:12 AM

Hey everyone, we have lots of exciting news for you. First, we have funded our upcoming adventure book, Rise of the Mushroom King. Secondly, the World of Myrr PDF should be done within a couple of weeks. Thirdly, we've decided to expand that PDF by about 60 pages! We had a ton of extra details about villages in the world, so you get bonus content.

Adventure Book Funding for Two More Days

Rise of the Mushroom King is funding on Kickstarter until this Friday at 1800 PST/2100 EST (0100 Sat GMT). We're about 101% funded right now. Here's the link:

World of Myrr update

Our Community

For the most up-to-date news on our Kickstarters subscribe to our Discord channel or follow us on other social media. If you need a new Discord invite email us at [email protected] Our YouTube channel should have more updates in the future: Cawood Publishing - YouTube


X: Cawood Publishing (@cawoodpublish) / X



Main website:

-Andrew and the team

Mushroom King Kickstarter next week! Myrr PDF coming shortly
3 months ago – Thu, May 30, 2024 at 08:32:22 AM

Hey everyone, thanks for your patience. The World of Myrr PDF should be ready in a week or so. We're doing some final touches, which we'll detail below. 

Rise of the Mushroom King Kickstarter

In the meantime, the other half of our team has prepared our first big adventure book for Kickstarter. We plan to launch on Tuesday at 0700 PST/1000 EST/1500 GMT.

Sign up here to be notified:

A 72-page adventure for 5E with options for OSR and Pathfinder games. Low, Mid, and High level adventure paths. After polling our backers, we've tailored a book with tons of options for you!

The final phase of World of Myrr

Almost done! We're going to fit some maps better, and take care of final edits. We're also looking at adding names to the art showcasing NPCs and settlements. Here are some examples of pages from the book, you'll see the world map is too short. And you'll see some of the illustrations that we're looking at labeling.  

Our Community

For the most up-to-date news on our Kickstarters subscribe to our Discord channel or follow us on other social media. If you need a new Discord invite email us at [email protected] Our YouTube channel should have more updates in the future: Cawood Publishing - YouTube


X: Cawood Publishing (@cawoodpublish) / X



Main website:

-Andrew and the team

Finishing book/New Kickstarter Coming!
4 months ago – Wed, May 22, 2024 at 08:57:09 AM

Greetings! The world book is almost done. Travis has one full-page illustration to do and we're adding Phil's completed maps to the layout. Good chance the PDF will be ready next month and printed books will follow. Here's another illustration from the book. 

Our First Big Adventure Book Comes to Kickstarter Soon!

Our first big adventure book, with art from Travis Hanson and maps from the Voyager's Workshop, is almost ready for Kickstarter. An adventure with low/mid/high level options for 5E, Pathfinder, and OSR games! New monsters/NPCs, high-quality maps, new magic items, and much more.

Following the Kickstarters

For the most up-to-date news on our Kickstarters subscribe to our Discord channel or follow us on other social media. If you need a new Discord invite email us at [email protected] Our YouTube channel should have more updates in the future: Cawood Publishing - YouTube


X: Cawood Publishing (@cawoodpublish) / X



Main website:

-Andrew and the team